Assessment and Assessment Cycle
At NCPS we capture and use progress data in many different ways, as outlined below:
- Baseline assessments are completed on Evidence for Learning and Personal Learning Targets from EHCP and B-Squared.
- Provision mapping learning plans and provisions are set up termly/half-termly and monitored by SENCO/Assistant SENCO with progress reports generated for each child/class.
- Where appropriate, children are tracked termly, in Reading and Writing and Number using Pre key Stage standards and EYFS/National Curriculum Age Related Expectations. Staff ensure they break down skills and knowledge into small steps of progress.
- Where appropriate Read Write Inc data is collected and tracked by the Reading Lead, to indicate progress in phonics.
- Evidence for Learning observations show skills and progress, generating progress reports and providing evidence of meeting EHCP targets.
- Assessment of PLGs forms the key part of our assessment process, as PLGs are directly linked to outcomes on the EHCP. PLGs are baselined and expected outcomes are agreed at the beginning of each term and progress is assessed at the end of each term. The progress is assessed against four levels – Emerging, Developing, Maintaining and Secure. The aim is for children to achieve between 70- 80% of their targets each term. Constant higher achievement may indicate the targets are not challenging enough and constant lower achievement may indicate the targets are not realistic or not appropriate for the level that the child is working at. These will be monitored carefully and there will be dialogue around this.
- Evidence for learning assessments are shared with parents and parents are invited to contribute their own data to support the work of school and vice versa.
- Progress meeting conversations each term with Phase Lead/SENCO, Curriculum Lead and other subject leads as necessary in which the child’s targets will be discussed, wow moments shared and any children causing concern will be discussed to try to support the staff and child.
- Communication Passports and Pupil Passports are updated regularly and demonstrate progress.
- If appropriate, children’s work in English, Maths and Theme work is collated in workbooks and evaluated and annotated when progression in learning has taken place. These books are sent home annually.
- Weekly planning is annotated with children’s achievements/very brief evaluations form staff to show progress or areas that need to be embedded.
Our assessment cycle is below and will be reviewed in the coming academic year as we monitor teacher workload and amend/adjust delivery of our re-defined curriculum.
System | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
E4L | B/L Obs B-SQ and Ass on E4L. Weekly planning annotated and used to inform planning and assessment in subsequent weeks.
| Obs and Ass on E4L & BSQ
Weekly planning annotated and used to inform planning and assessment in subsequent weeks. End of term progress report generated, evaluated and next steps planned. Progress meetings. | Obs and Ass on E4L & BSQ
Weekly planning annotated and used to inform planning and assessment in subsequent weeks.
| Obs and Ass on E4L & BSQ
Weekly planning annotated and used to inform planning and assessment in subsequent weeks. End of term progress report generated, evaluated and next steps planned. Progress meetings.
| Obs and Ass on E4L & BSQ
Weekly planning annotated and used to inform planning and assessment in subsequent weeks.
| Obs and Ass on E4L & BSQ
Weekly planning annotated and used to inform planning and assessment in subsequent weeks. End of term/ year progress report generated, evaluated. Shared with next CT. Progress meetings. |
Provision Mapping | EHCP and CP learning plans set up. Provisions set up.
| EHCP and CP Plans evaluated and amended for next term. Provisions reviewed and amended – set for next half term. | Provisions reviewed and amended – set for next half term. | EHCP and CP Plans evaluated and amended for next term. Provisions reviewed and amended – set for next half term. | Provisions reviewed and amended – set for next half term. | EHCP and CP Plans evaluated and amended for next term. Provisions reviewed and amended – set for next half term. |