Northwood currently holds the WAS award for wellbeing in schools and will be re-certified in this in June 2024.
We develop emotional literacy in the following ways:
- All staff have a clear understanding of the needs of our children and work hard to eliminate barriers and frustrations
- A clear emphasis on sensory integration with a qualified OT in school 1 day per week
- Weekly forest school sessions for all children in the DSP led by a qualified Forest School practitioner
- A well rounded therapy offer - lego therapy, dog therapy, music therapy
- Emotional regulation approach and policy with adaptive interaction support for DSP children
- Regular home-school communication through seesaw to facilitate effective understanding of children's needs
- My Happy Mind programme for special schools will be introduced in September 2024
- Daily emotional check in routines in all DSP classes
- Quiet spaces for children to relax and take som time out if needed - soft play, sensory light room, dark tents
- Wellbeing ambassadors (children in the DSP have been chosen to be wellbeing ambassadors)
- Two school dogs that visit each week that children can interact with and play with
- Emotional visuals to support communication for pre-verbal children
- Large and small sensory playground to support wellbeing
- Behaviour and regulation plans as needed to identify triggers and effective responses
- Risk assessment in place where needed to understand and support the needs and safety of the children