Northwood is a community primary school where we welcome all applicants, wherever they may live. We welcome visits to the school by families who may be interested in applying. Contact us and we can make an appointment for you to come and see us.
This is a popular school and sometimes it isn’t always possible to offer places to all who apply. If there are more applicants than places, the local authority has an admissions policy that is used to decide who has priority for places.
The admission policy and general guidance is available from the local authority click here.
Reception class
Applications for places in the reception class are made between September and January each year. Applications for September are made no later than mid January. It’s very important to apply on time. Details of how to apply and other useful information are given by the local authority here. (If you live in another borough, contact your home authority for details of how to apply).
Applications at other times
If you are moving to this area and are interested in a place for your child, please get in touch with the school. There is an In-Year application form to complete which gives you notes and contact details. This is available here.
Nursery Admissions
We take pupils into the nursery on a termly basis – usually the term following the child’s third birthday. There is a local authority nursery booklet which includes the application form and this is available on the Knowsley Council website. You can use this form wherever you live.
Please note, obtaining a place in the nursery does not give your child any priority for admission to reception class – you still need to apply for a reception place at the right time. If you have any queries about how to apply for this school, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or call in. The Inclusion Team (Admissions) 0151 443 5142/3 can also assist with general advice.
DSP Admissions
Children are admitted to the DSP through a Local Authority EHCP consultation process. See the Specialist Provisions tab at the top of our website.
Language Hub Admissions
Children are admitted to the Language Hub through a Knowsley referral process and panel system. See the Specialist Provisions tab at the top of our website.
If you have any queries, please get in touch.
Who to Contact
Write to or make an appointment to visit:
Knowsley Council
School Admissions
Education Improvement Team
PO Box 21
Municipal Buildings
Archway Road
L36 9YU
Telephone Contacts:
Secondary & Primary school admissions – (0151) 443 5142/5143
In Year Admissions – (0151) 443 3372/3558