Reporting Absence and Lates
How to Report Your Child's Absence:
If your child is too unwell to attend school you must call the school office as early as possible on the morning of absence, to tell us the nature of your child's illness and how long they will be absent from school. You may be required to provide medical evidence to school.
School office: 0151 477 8630
You can also text school to report absences.
School text line: 07860 097222
If School is Not Called:
If you do not contact us to report your child's absence then school staff will call you to check that everything is ok. If we do not get an answer then we will visit your house as part of our First Response strategy.
If Your Child is Late to School:
Children must be dropped off by parents/carers at our late door, which is located at the back of school on the main playground. Staff record punctuality and detailed records are kept.
Any child/family who are persistently late will be invited to a meeting with the Inclusion Team and our Education Welfare Officer, to discuss the reasons for lateness and how school can support your child to get the best education possible.
Please speak to a member of the Inclusion Team if you have any questions or concerns.