Kathryn Bracken - Chair of Governors
Chair of Governors
Chair of Resources & Personnel Committee
Governor at NCPS for 6 years
3 children-2 at NCPS
Governor at Altbridge Secondary Support
Qualified Teacher
School link Governor for Safeguarding
Favourite Childhood Book;James & the Giant Peach
Favourite School pudding; Sponge & Custard
Mrs Bracken has three children, two of whom attend Northwood Community Primary School. She spent many years as an office supervisor before returning to full time education and in May 2016 will become a newly qualified teacher.
Mrs Bracken has been a valued Governor since the formation of the governing body in 2011 and was re-elected by the parents of the school in January 2016. Mrs Bracken is now elected as the Chair of Governors for Northwood Community Primary School. As part of her roles and responsibilities as a governor, Mrs Bracken is a member of the Curriculum/Standards Committee, Chair of the Resources/Personnel Committee, Link Governor for Special Educational Needs and Digital Lead Governor.
In addition to meeting with staff and pupils in school, she undertakes regular additional training to ensure she is able to effectively play her part in the strategic management of the school. Mrs Bracken is also a member of the governing body at Altbridge Secondary Support.