Statutory Assessment Information / Further Formal Assessment
Home schools continue to be responsible for all data and statutory assessment for the children in the LHUB. Home schools keep LHUB children on their roll and children attend home schools every Friday until they are discharged from LHUB, when they will return to home school full time.
Staff in the LHUB will support the process of statutory assessment, and will offer their opinions and any evidence that we hold, but responsibility for completing statutory data lies with home schools. LHUB children are not included in Northwood CPS's statutory data submissions.
Data such as:
* Reception Baseline
* Phonics Screening Check
* KS1 SATS (Until they cease)
LHUB staff will complete internal assessment based on our internal progress measures and share those with home schools as relevant.
We expect home school staff to attend regular meetings with LHUB staff to discuss the progress of the children and to share key information.
Further Formal Assessment
If further assessment is required a discussion will be held with Northwood LHUB staff, home school and parent/carers.
The responsibility for the completion of any formal paperwork lies with the home school. Northwood staff will contribute to an assessment by sharing our data, relevant reports or records that we hold or staff opinions and observations but are not responsible for the completion of forms, the collection of evidence or the management of any formal assessment process. This must be done by the home school who have formal responsibility for the child.