Employee Support
Employee Support
Welcome to our staff support and information page. Below are links to a range of charities and organisations offering practical support, advice and information on different challenges and difficulties people may face in their lives. The links / phone numbers cover both self-help for adults and support for parents / carers who are worried about their child/ren.
Employee Assistance Programme
As a school, we buy in an employee assistance programme (EAP). This programme gives all employees access to free clinically proven counselling programmes with an array of specialist work / life services.
This support comes in a variety of forms, including telephone counselling and a range of specialist information services. In addition, short term face-to-face counselling is available with a professional psychologist or counsellor either close to where you live or work, at no cost to you.
You can also call the EAP for help, information, guidance or support with a wide range of issues including relationship difficulties to neighbour disputes, money worries to consumer rights. The following services are available from the EAP:
- Counselling and emotional support
- Money and debt information
- Legal information
- Health and wellbeing information
- Family care information
Whether you are worrying about something, need some practical information, or simply want to talk things through with someone in confidence, the EAP is there to help you 24/7.
Contact your EAP anytime on 08000 856 148 or online at educationsupport.org.uk
Here are some additional links for specific support: