Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Key Information:
- Breakfast club opens at 8.00am Monday to Friday. You must not leave your children unaccompanied before this time as they will not be supervised by school staff.
- Breakfast club closes at 8:25am and no one will be allowed entry after this time.
- Entry is through the main office Reception. Doors will open at 8am.
- The fee for Breakfast Club is £5.00 per week or £1 per day. All parents and carers must pay for the breakfast club via parent pay in advance of your child attending.
- You must complete a Breakfast Club registration form BEFORE your child attends school. Speak to our office staff for a copy.
- You must let us know if your child is not attending Breakfast Club so that we can ensure we have enough adults present each day for the numbers of children attending. Your child can only attend on the days that they are booked in.
- If your child attends for a week that has not been paid for, you will receive a letter making you aware that you need to visit the school to pay. Your child will then not be able to attend breakfast club until this debt has been settled.
Occasions when costs will be reimbursed:
If school is closed for a bank holiday, training day etc, you will only be charged for the number of days the school is open.
If school is closed for an exceptional and unforeseen event, e.g. snow day, heating or plumbing issue etc. (These are extremely rare and unlikely to happen.)
If you pay for a number of days at breakfast club and your child is off sick, you will not be charged for the days your child was absent from school as long as medical evidence for the absence is provided and the absence is authorised.
Food and Nutrition:
- A wide range of breakfast foods are available each morning, bagels, breads, toast, fruit, cereals, milk and water.
- Any child with an allergy will be provided with appropriate food to ensure they are safely catered for. All staff in breakfast club will be informed of any dietary needs to ensure children's needs are met.
Activities at Breakfast Club:
- Board games
- Some sports equipment
- Lego and other building resources
- Drawing and writing
- Reading
- Lots of other seasonal activities are on offer
If you have any queries regarding breakfast club please ring or call into the school office.