Welcome to Northwood Community Primary School.
Northwood Community Primary School is a unique 21st century learning environment where all pupils are able to thrive and achieve their full potential in the heart of the community.
We are a two-form mainstream provision with a 104 place Nursery. We also house a LA maintained Designated Special Provision, the Knowsley Language Hub and a private nursery.
As a fully inclusive school, we work hard to ensure that every child has access to a curriculum that will develop their emotional, social and academic abilities. All children are provided with stimulating and enriching learning opportunities and we also offer bespoke alternative provision as needed. We work hard to motivate and challenge with our positive and inclusive approach to learning throughout the school.
Northwood is a central part of the community and welcomes parents and carers into the life of the school. We offer weekly SEND surgeries, half-termly SEND forums and termly EAL forums. In addition, our Inclusion Team provides signposting to key support agencies and early intervention support. A range of childcare is also available from 0-11 years old both through our school nursery and our onsite private provider.
We hope this information gives you a flavour of school life and hope you find the information you need. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.