Meet the EYFS team
Our EYFS team are highly experienced and skilled and take great pride in ensuring that our children have the best possible experiences within our EYFS setting.
We provide a nurturing, caring and supportive environment based on positive relationships in which adults support children to become independent, active, empathetic and compassionate learners who are intrinsically motivated to be the best that they can be and derive satisfaction in all that they do.
Our EYFS team is as follows:
UK Class: Nursery Teacher (am and pm) | Mrs E Cawley |
UK Class: Nursery TA Level 3 | Mrs L Weller |
UK Class: Nursery TA Level 2 | Mrs L Gladwinfield |
Madagascar Class - Reception Teacher/EYFS Lead | Mrs G O'Keeffe |
Madagascar Class: TA Level 2 | Ms C McGrath |
Peru Class: Reception Teacher | Ms R Dutton |
Peru Class: TA Level 2 | Ms N Glascott |
EYFS HLTA Cover | Ms S Kerr / Ms S Winterson |
Core SLT staff member with responsibility for EYFS | Mrs C Hyland (Deputy Head) |
Our EYFS Lead is Mrs G O'Keeffe, please contact her at school in the first instance if you have any questions or concerns.
Please be aware that, although we value parental engagement highly, staff cannot spend a lot of time dealing with queries/concerns at morning drop off or home time as they have teaching and learning and safeguarding responsibilities to maintain for our children. Please follow our communication flow chart to direct your enquiries and to ensure you get the most appropriate response possible.